Embracing Faith in Entrepreneurship


November 10, 2023

I'm Felicia Peoples, a Certified Faith Coach who's walked the same path you're on. As a high-achieving woman, I'm here to help you incorporate faith and reach new levels of success.





Hello everyone, Coach Fe here, and I am excited to share how our Faith Walk blogging will embody and encourage a spirit eager to embrace reliance on God.

Today, I’ll delve into a topic that stems from both personal experience and my connection with a network of women entrepreneurs. Rewinding a bit, many of us, including myself, initially lacked insight into the profound influence of faith on our businesses.

Frankly, as a Christian woman, I’ve always had faith and a belief in God. Yet, it wasn’t until after years of self-dependence and worldly-influenced business approaches that I reached a pivotal moment of realization. My faith was, in fact, a cornerstone of success, both in business and spiritual growth.

Many entrepreneurs and small business owners are oblivious to the fact that at the core of entrepreneurship lies hope. And hope is inherently tied to positive expectations. Consider the inception of your business—it began with a vision, a glimmer of what could be, fueled by your expertise or talent. Today, let’s explore the traits of hope.

The core topic today is: “The Entrepreneurial Heart: Anchored in Faith”.

Mark 9:23 resonates deeply with me: “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” (NKJV). This profound declaration from Jesus challenges us to align our beliefs with God’s purpose and will, ensuring our faith is grounded in something greater than ourselves. Belief, or hope, is our starting point.

Begin with Hope:

In Matthew 17:20-21, Jesus speaks of faith as small as a mustard seed. Have you ever considered the magnitude of that analogy? That minuscule seed can grow into one of the tallest trees. Our faith, though it may start small, can have an immense impact on our lives and businesses. We often place our trust in our skills, education, and financial resources, but these are fleeting and variable.

Reflecting on my journey, the initial spark for my school came while I was operating on a smaller scale from my home. It was in the shower that a vision so compelling came to me, beyond my current capabilities. I remember praying and seeking confirmation from God about this new direction. Despite any hesitations, my heart fully embraced the vision from the onset. This realization marked a turning point where I became acutely conscious of the faith needed to embark on this new venture, revealing my vulnerabilities and the extent of my reliance on God.

Belief is the Fruit of Active Faith:

James 2:17 states, “A faith that does not do things is a dead faith”. Instead of yielding to fear and uncertainty, I chose to put my trust in God’s promises. This resolve carried me through the daunting task of establishing my first business, fostering a deep sense of peace in every situation—a testament to the power of faith in action.


If integrating faith into your business ethos resonates with you, I invite you to join and subscribe to our podcast and blog. Engage with a community of women committed to nurturing a faith-driven approach to entrepreneurship. Until next time, continue on your faith-filled journey.

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I'm Felicia Peoples, a Certified Faith Coach who's walked the same path you're on. As a high-achieving woman, I'm here to help you incorporate faith and reach new levels of success.





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